- Mon, 16 March 2020

The Caleffi Group donates 1 million Euros to cope the Covid-19 emergency

The Caleffi group, with its companies Caleffi Hydronic Solutions, Cristina Rubinetterie, Pressco e RDZ, takes the field against Covid-19, to support hospitals in the fight against the epidemic.

Considering the current situation, it has announced the decision to donate 1 million Euros divided between: Hospital Maggiore Policlinico of Milano and Hospital SS. Trinità of Borgomanero.
The funds are donated in different ways according to the structures:

  • The Hospital SS. Sanità of Borgomanero receives indispensable machinery to respond the health emergency;
  • The Hospital Maggiore Policlinico of Milano receives the donation to be used for medical care and necessary assistance for patients, as well for the research against the virus.

"We hope that this initiative of ours will make people in Italy and abroad aware of the emergency in which we are all involved," explains the President Marco Caleffi.
The aim is supporting hospital structures and give a concrete help to all the staff of doctors, nurses and health workers in frontline.

“Donation Hospital SS. Trinità of Borgomanero”
“Donation Hospital Maggiore Policlinico of Milano”

  • The Caleffi Group donates 1 million Euros to cope the Covid-19 emergency